Mark G J Hartl: h-index 21
Irnidayanti, Y., Soegianto, A., Ramdhany, F.A., Afifudin, A.F.M., Payus, C.M., Hartl, M.G.J., in press. Microplastic contamination in green mussels (Perna viridis Linnaeus, 1858) from traditional seafood markets in Jakarta, Indonesia, and an evaluation of potential hazards. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Soegianto, A., Mukholladun, W., Putranto, T.W.C., Marchellina, A., Manaf, L.A., Irnidayanti, Y., Hartl, M.G.J., Payus, C.M., 2025. Evidence of microcystin bioaccumulation and its effects on structural alterations in various shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) tissues from shrimp aquaculture in the northern coastal region of East Java, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 117467.
Marchellina, A., Soegianto, A., Irawan, B., Indriyasari, K.N., Rahmatin, N.M., Mukholladun, W., Irnidayanti, Y., Payus, C.M., Hartl, M.G.J., 2024. The presence and physico-chemical properties of microplastics in seawater, sediment, and several organs of the Spotted scat fish (Scatophagus argus, Linnaeus, 1766) collected from different locations along the East Java coast in Indonesia. Chemosphere, 142214.
Hartl, M.G.J., Baumann, L.M., Sweetman, A.K., (2024). At-sea application of the Comet assay to a deep-sea fish. Deep Sea Res., Part I.
Danopoulos, D., Stanton, T., Ma, Y., Horton, A. A., Chen, Q., Levermore, J. M., Li, J., Mcgoran, A. R., Lai, Y., Nolte, S., Li, R., Barrantes, L. A., Tu, C., Beaumont, H., Williams, B., Hartl, M. G. J., Shi, H., Rotchell, J. M., H. A. Nel. (2023) Insights into technical challenges in the field of microplastic pollution through the lens of early career researchers (ECRs) and a proposed pathway forward. Frontiers.
Talbot, R., Cárdenas-Calle, M., Mair, J.M., López, F., Cárdenas, G., Pernía, B., Hartl, M.G.J., Uyaguari, M., (2022). Macroplastics and Microplastics in Intertidal Sediment of Vinces and Los Tintos Rivers, Guayas Province, Ecuador. Microplastics 1, 651-668.
Al-Shaeri, M., Paterson, L., Stobie, M., Cyphus, P., Hartl, M.G.J., (2022). Trophic Transfer of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes at the Base of the Food Chain and Toxicological Response. Nanomaterials-Basel 12, 4363.
Stenton, C.A., Bolger, E.L., Michenot, M., Dodd, J.A., Wale, M.A., Briers, R.A., Hartl, M.G.J., Diele, K., (2022). Effects of pile-driving playbacks and cadmium co-exposure on the early life stage development of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Mar Pollut Bull 113667.
Connolly, M., Little, S., Hartl, M. G. J. & Fernandes, T. (2022). An Integrated testing strategy for ecotoxcity (ITS-ECO) assessment in the marine environmental compartment using Mytilus spp.; A case study using pristine and coated CuO and TiO2 nanomaterials. Environ Chem & Toxicol. 41: 1390-1406.
Devereuz, R., Hartl, M. G. J., Bell, M. C. & Capper, A. (2021). The Abundance of Microplastics in Cnidaria and Ctenophora in the North Sea. Mar Pollut Bull. 173A: 112992.
Gajda-Meissner Z, Matyja K, Bronw, D, Hartl MGJ, Fernades TF. (2020). Importance of surface coating on accumulation dynamics and acute toxicity of copper nanomaterials and dissolved copper to Daphnia magna. Environ Toxicol Chem 39: 287-299.
Jones KL, Hartl MGJ, Bell MC, Capper A. (2020). Microplastic accumulation in a Zostera marina L. bed at Deerness Sound, Orkney: a small-scale study. Mar Pollut Bull. 152: 110883
Wale, M, Briers, R. A, Hartl, M. G. J,, Bryson, D,, Diele, K. (2019). From DNA to Ecological Performance: Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on a Reef-Building Mussel. Sci Total Environ 689:126-132
Hartl, M. G. J. (2018) Why Chlimate Change is Making Pollution Monitoring more Difficult. The Conversation. 25 September.
Echavarri-Bravo, V., Paterson, L., Aspray, T.J., Porter, J.S., Winson, M.K., Hartl, M.G.J., (2017). Natural marine bacteria as model organisms for the hazard-assessment of consumer products containing silver nanoparticles. Mar Environ Res, 130: 293-302
Blumenröder, J., Sechet, P., Kokonnen, J. and Hartl, M. G. J. (2017). Microplastic contamination of intertidal sediments of Scapa Flow, Orkney: a first assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 124: 112-120.
Connell, S., Fernandes, T. F., Hartl, M. G. J. (2017). Climate change: implications for ecotoxicological environmental impact assessment. JEE. 143.
Miller, M.A., Bankier, C., Al-Shaeri, M.A.M., Hartl, M.G.J., 2015. Neutral Red cytotoxicity assays for assessing in vivo carbon nanotube ecotoxicity in mussels – comparing microscope and microplate methods. Mar Pollut Bull. 101: 903-907.
Hartl, M.G.J., Gubbins, E., Gutierrez, T., Fernandes, T.F., 2015. Review of existing knowledge – emerging contaminant. Focus on nanomaterials and microplastics in the aquatic environment. CREW, p. 20.
Hartl, M. G. J. (2015) Editorial: Fish Ecotoxicology in a Changing World: Do we need new biomarker endpoints in light of climate change? Journal of 9(4): 049-051.9(4): 049-051.
Echavarri-Bravo, V., Paterson, L., Aspray, T. J., Porter, J. S., Winson, M. K., Thornton, B. and Hartl, M. G. J. (2015). Shifts in the metabolic function of a benthic estuarine microbial community following a single pulse of silver nanoparticle exposure. Environmental Pollution. 201: 91-99.
Janeck J. Scott-Fordsmand, S. Pozzi-Mucelli, L. Tran, K. Aschberger, S. Sabella, U. Vogel, C. Poland, D. Balharry, T. Fernandes, S. Gottardo, S. Hankin, M.G.J. Hartl, N.B. Hartmann, D. Hristozov, K. Hund-Rinke, H. Johnston, A. Marcomini, O. Panzer, D. Roncato, A.T. Saber, H. Wallin, Stone, V. (2014) A unified framework for nanosafety is needed. NanoToday 9, 546—549 [Fulltext pdf version]
Stone, V., Pozzi-Mucelli, S., Tran, L., Aschberger, K., Sabella, S., Vogel, U. B., Poland, C., Balharry, D., Fernandes, T., Gottardo, S., Hankin, S., Hartl, M. G. J., Hartmann, N., Hristozov, D., Hund-Rinke, K., Johnston, H., Marcomini, A., Panzer, O., Roncato, D., Saber, A. T., Wallin, H. & Scott-Fordsmand, J. J. (2014). ITS-NANO – Prioritising nanosafety research to develop a stakeholder driven intelligent testing strategy. Part Fibre Toxicol. 11:doi:10.1186/1743-8977-11-9 [Fulltext pdf version]
Hartl, M. G. J. (2013). Homeostasis and toxicology of non-essential metals – edited by C. M. Wood, A. P. Farrell & C. J. Brauner. 83: 1476-1477. [Fulltext pdf version]
Al-Shaeri, M., Ahmed, D., Mc Cluskey, F., Turner, G., Paterson, L., Dyrynda, E. A. & Hartl, M. G. J. (2013). Potentiating toxicological interaction of single-walled carbon nanotubes with dissolved metals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 32: 2701-2710.
Stone, V., Pozzi-Mucelli, S., Tran, L., Aschberger, K., Sabella, S., Vogel, U. B., Poland, C., Balharry, D., Fernandes, T., Gottardo, S., Hankin, S., Hartl, M. G. J., Hartmann, N., Hristozov, D., Hund-Rinke, K., Johnston, H., Marcomini, A., Panzer, O., Roncato, D., Saber, A. T., Wallin, H. & Scott-Fordsmand, J. J. (2013). Research prioritisation to deliver an intelligent testing strategy for the human and environmental safety of nanomaterials, FP7 ITS- NANO Consortium Report. Brussels. 128 pp. [Fulltext pdf version]
Singh, R. & Hartl, M. G. J. (2012). Fluctuating estuarine conditions are not confounding factors for the Comet assay assessment of DNA damage in the mussel Mytilus edulis. Ecotoxicology 21: 1998-2003
Hartl, M. G. J. (2011) Organotins and hydromineral homeostasis in aquatic animals. In Pagliarani, A; Trombetti, F.; Ventrella, V. (Eds) Biochemical and biological effects of organotins: 179-215. Bentham e Books. [Fulltext pdf version -536k]
Hartl, M. G. J. (2010). Biomarkers In Integrated Ecotoxicological Sediment Assessment. In: Sedimentology of Aqueous Systems. C. Poletto & S. Charlesworth ed(s): 147-170. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford [Fulltext – 831k]
Hartl, M. G. J., Sinet E, Grigson S. (2010). Maintenance of bivalve haemocytes for the purpose of delayed DNA strand break assessment using the Comet assay. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 51: 64-68.
Kilemade, M., Hartl, M. G. J., O’Halloran, J., O’Brien, N. Sheehan, D., Mothersil, C., van Pelt, F. N. A. M. (2009) Effects of contaminated sediment from Cork Harbour, Ireland on the cytochrome P450 system of turbot. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 72: 747-755.
Cruikshanks, R., Lauridsen, R., Hartl, M. G. J., Harrison, A., Kelly-Quinn, M., O’Halloran, J. & Giller, P. S. (2008). Putting the sodium dominance index to the test as a measure of acid sensitivity across diverse geological conditions and with reference to the influence of plantation forests. Wat. Air Soil Pollut. 190: 221-229 [Fulltext – pdf version 289k]
Hartl, M. G. J., Kilemade, M., Sheehan, D., O’Halloran, J., O’Brien, N. M. & van Pelt, F. N. A. M. (2007). Hepatic biomarkers of sediment-associated pollution in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L. Mar. Environ. Res., 64: 191-208.
Hartl, M. G. J., Kilemade, M., Coughlan, B. M., O’Halloran, J., van Pelt, F. N. A. M., Sheehan, D., Mothersill, C. & O’Brien, N. M. (2006). A two-species biomarker model for the assessment of sediment toxicity in the marine and estuarine environment. J. Environ. Sci. Health – A, 41: 939-953.[Fulltext – pdf version 491kB].
Hartl, M. G. J., Watson, D., Davenport, J. (2006). Biofouling in the Marine Aquaculture Industry, with Particular Reference to Finfish – Current Status and Future Challenges. The Crown Estate (AQU 06 03). pp 53
J. Environ. Sci. Health A 41, 939-953. [Fulltext – pdf version 20kB].
Hartl, M. G. J., van Pelt, F. N. A. M. & O’Halloran, J. (2005). Development and Application of Sediment Toxicity Tests for Regulatory Purposes. In Water Encyclopedia: Water Quality and Resource Development. J. H. Lehr & J. Keeler ed(s), vol. 5: 383-387. John Wiley & Sons. [Full text – pdf 56kB]
Davoren, M., Ni Shuilleabhain, S., O’Halloran, J., Hartl, M. G. J., Sheehan, D., O’Brien, N. M., Van Pelt, F. N. A. M. & Mothersill, C., (2005). A test battery approach for the ecotoxicological evaluation of Irish estuarine sediments. Ecotoxicology. 14: 741-755.[Fulltext – pdf version 350kB]
Ni Shuilleabhain, S., Davoren, M., Mothersill, C., Sheehan, D., Hartl, M. G. J., Kilemade, M., O’Brien, N. M., O’Halloran, J., Van Pelt, F. N. A. M. & Lyng, F. M. (2005). Identification of a multi xenobiotic resistance mechanism in primary cultured epidermal cells from Oncorhynchus mykiss and the effects of environmental complex mixtures on its activity. Aquat. Toxicol. 73: 115-127. [Fulltext – pdf version 321kB]
Davoren, M., Ni Shuilleabhain, S., Hartl, M. G. J., Tyrell, L., Sheehan, D., O’Brien, N. M., O’Halloran, J., Van Pelt, F. N. A. M. & Mothersill, C. (2005). Assessing the potential of fish cell lines as tools for the cytotoxicity testing of estuarine sediment elutriates. Toxicol. in Vitro 19: 421–431. [Fulltext – pdf version 203kB]
Cruikshanks, R., Lauridsen, R., Harrison, A., Hartl, M. G. J., Kelly-Quinn, M., Giller, P. S. & O’Halloran, J. (2005). Evaluation of the use of the Sodium Dominance Index as a potential measure of acid sensitivity (WATERAC) Environmental Protection Agency, Republic of Ireland. pp 137.
Kilemade, M., Hartl, M. G. J., Sheehan, D., van Pelt, F. N. A. M., O’Brien, N. M. & O’Halloran, J. (2004). An assessment of the pollutant status of surficial sediment in Cork Harbour in the South East of Ireland with particular reference to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 49: 1084-1096.
Kilemade, M., Hartl, M. G. J., Sheehan, D., Mothersill, C., van Pelt, F. N. A. M., O’Halloran, J. & O’Brien, N. M. (2004). Genotoxicity of field-collected inter-tidal sediments from Cork Harbour, Ireland to turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 44: 56-64. [Fulltext – pdf version 173kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Coughlan, B. M., Sheehan, D., van Pelt, F. N. A. M., Heffron, J. J. A., O’Reilly, S. J., O’Halloran, J. & O’Brien, N. M. (2004). Implications of seasonal priming and reproductive activity on the interpretation of Comet assay data derived from the clam, Tapes semidecussatus Reeves 1864, exposed to contaminated sediments. Mar. Environ. Res. 57:295-310.
Ni Shuilleabhain, S., Davoren, M., Hartl, M. G. J. & O’Halloran, J. (2003). In vitro ecotoxicological assessment of aquatic sediments. In In vitro Methods in Aquatic Toxicology. C. Mothersill & B. Austin ed(s): 327-374. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Lyons, C., Dowling, V., Tedengren, M., Gardeström, J., Hartl, M. G. J., O’Brien, N. M., O’Halloran, J., van Pelt, F. N. A. M. & Sheehan, D. (2003). Variability of heat shock proteins and glutathione S-transferase in gill and digestive gland of blue mussel, Mytillus edulis. Mar. Environ. Res. 56: 585-597. [Fulltext – pdf version 353kB]
Hartl, M. G. J. (2002). Benthic fish as sentinel organisms of estuarine sediment toxicity. In The Vienna School of Marine Biology: A Tribute to Jörg Ott. (ed. M. Bright, P. C. Dworschak & M. Stachowitsch): 89-100. Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien [Full text – pdf 66kB]
Coughlan, B. M., Hartl, M. G. J., O’Reilly, S. J., Sheehan, D., Mothersill, C., van Pelt, F. N. A. M., O’Halloran, J. & O’Brien, N. M. (2002). Detecting genotoxicity using the Comet assay following chronic exposure of the Manila clam Tapes semidecussatus to polluted estuarine sediments. Mar. Pollut. Bull.(44/12): 1359-1365.
Madden, B. & Hartl, M. G. J. (2002). Report in response to Condition 9.14 ‘ Ecological Monitoring’ of the Waste Licence for the East Cork Landfill, Rossmore, Co. Cork. Biosphere Environmental Services, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. pp 28.
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S. & Hawkins, L. E. (2001). Sediment-associated tri-n-butyltin chloride (TBTCl) and its effects on osmoregulation of freshwater-adapted 0-group European flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.). Aquat. Toxicol. (55/3-4):125-136.[Full text – pdf 192 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S., Hawkins, L. E. & Grand, D. J. (2001). Environmental levels of sediment-associated tri-n-butyltin chloride (TBTCl) and ionic regulation in flounders during seawater adaptation. Mar. Biol (138/6): 1121-1130. [Full text – pdf 241 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S. & Hawkins, L. E. & Grand, D. J. (2001). The effects of sediment-associated triorganotin compounds on the gills of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. (261): 75-91.[Full text – pdf 289 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S. & Hawkins, L. E. (2001). Organotin and osmoregulation: quantifying the effects of sediment-associated TBT and TPhT on freshwater-adapted European flounders (Platichthys flesus L.). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. (256): 267-278. [Full text – pdf 246 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S., Hawkins, L. E. and Eledjam, M. (2000). The biometry of gills of 0-group European flounder. J. Fish Biol. (57): 1037-1046.[Full text – pdf 206 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J., Hutchinson, S. and Hawkins, L. E. (2000). Reduced blood osmolality in European 0-group flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.), exposed to environmental levels of sediment-associated tributyl- and triphenyltin. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (40/9): 792-794.[Full text – pdf 299 kB]
Hartl, M. G. J. (2000) Organotin and osmoregulation: quantifying the effects of environmental concentrations of sediment-associated tri-n-butyltin and triphenyltin on osmoregulatory processes in the European flounder Platichthys flesus (L). PhD Thesis, University of Southampton. 143p
Hartl, M. G. J., Ott, J. A. (1999) An in situ study of the influence of ascidian suspension feeding on the subtidal nepheloid-layer in the Northern Adriatic Sea. P.S.Z.N. Mar. Ecol. (20/3 – 4): 359 – 372. [Full text – pdf 653kB]
Boisson, F., Hartl, M. G. J., Fowler, S.W. and Amiard-Triquet, C. (1998) Influence of chronic exposure to silver and mercury in the field on the bioaccumulation potential of the bivalve Macoma balthica. Mar. Environ. Res. (45/4-5): 325 – 340. [Full text – pdf 981kB]